Dedicated to the modern Peppers Ghost stage illusion.

Modern technology has been applied to great effect in reviving the Victorian stage illusion known as Pepper's Ghost. This site is to document the most interesting developments as an aggregator and meeting place for the benefit of professionals, events companies and anyone interested in how these lifelike 3d holograms work. This holographic technology uses a high definition video projection system that allows moving images to appear within a live stage setting.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

A modern Pepper's Ghost

The holographic projection effect is just another chapter in the Pepper’s Ghost tale which started in London during the 1800’s with John Derek & John Pepper. Back then large panes of glass were used to reflect the light from an object onto a stage but, glass was very delicate and dangerous to work with not to mention produced ghostly artifacts.

All these problems have been solved in our time. If he were here today, he would no doubt be amazed at how little the basic fundamentals of the illusion have changed. Of course, we possess polymers that were unknown to him as well as ultra high light engines to maximize the effect. This, combined with digital animation, make for a show that has no equal.

The modern materials and VFX techniques deliver stunning video effect imagery of such clarity and high resolution, your audience will have a hard time telling what is real and what is reflected.

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